B2B Depth Interviews

Depth interviews give you the opportunity to explore complex issues and collect rich, descriptive data.

Conducted as a standalone piece of research or as part of a wider programme, they allow you to understand how your customers think, feel, and behave. Whether you need insight to inform your strategy, identify growth opportunities, understand the evolving needs of your customers, or gain a competitive advantage, depth interviews might be the solution to your research needs.

Structured depth interviews with an expert B2B researcher can uncover actionable insight from a relatively small number of interviews with your key accounts - we recommend at least 12.

Get in touch for a ballpark quote, project timings and more details on our approach.

You need this if:

You can’t make good decisions without understanding customers in detail. You need to understand how they think about their relationship with you, how they use your products and services, and where they see the market going in the future. Depth interviews allow you to tap into the “mind of the market”, helping you to develop your strategy and plan for the future.

What we do:

Face to face depth interviews

Video depth interviews

Telephone depth interviews

Skilled interviewers can uncover detailed insight beyond the constraints of a traditional customer survey

what you get:


Our findings, interpretation, and recommendations, pulling out key themes and illustrated with verbatim comments.


All recordings and transcripts are available if you want them.

Key account insight

Deep dives into key accounts (usually based on interviews with multiple contacts) help to build up a detailed picture where it really counts.

Get in touch

Get in touch to find out more about B2B Depth Interviews and how we can help you gain an in-depth understanding of your key customers today.