Relationship Surveys

A customer relationship survey is a strategic tool used in most customer satisfaction research programmes. These surveys will show you where you stand in terms of meeting the needs of all customers, and how this contributes to their behaviour.

You need this if:

You want a strategic measure of customer satisfaction and how it drives behaviour. A robust relationship survey will give you:

An accurate measure of satisfaction for all customers

An understanding of the links between customer attitudes and the behaviours which make or save you money

Insight into what the key events are that make the most difference to how customers feel

What we do:

In-house telephone interviewing

Foreign language telephone interviews through a trusted partner

In-house web survey design and hosting (mobile optimised)

Paper surveys

In-house analysis and reporting (offline and online)

Do you know how customer attitudes drive behaviours?

What you get:

Headline metrics

NPS, Satisfaction Index, or Customer Effort (or a combination) as an overall measure of success, and to link to strategic outcomes for the business.

Detailed report

A full explanation of all the results, detailed data tables such as satisfaction by segment, and a transcript of all customer comments.


We will recommend realistic targets for improvement.

Priorities for improvement

We recommend the 3-4 areas to focus on for the biggest gains in satisfaction and loyalty.

Get in touch

Get in touch to find out whether relationship surveys are right for your customer research programme.