Design And Storytelling Tools For Housing

Our design and storytelling tools are an informative and impactful way of feeding back the results of your Tenant Satisfaction Survey to both tenants and employees. Here's a few examples of how we can help you make the most of your data.

Got something specific in mind or have a question about something you see? Please get in touch for more information.


Feedback Report

Fully designed and in-depth feedback report, covering all questions asked in the Tenant Satisfaction Survey.


Tenant Satisfaction Results Animation

Animated version of the results from your Tenant Satisfaction Survey. Includes top-level stats, comments from tenants and a message from the organisation.

Design & hosting options for videos and animations

Design Options

With or without voiceovers

English or non-English voiceovers

With or without subtitles

Hosting Options



Hidden page on website

Password protected or not




2 Page Infographic

Two page infographic, covering top-level scores from each section of your Tenant Satisfaction Survey, as well as:

  • Customer comments

  • Feedback from staff

  • Areas of focus based on the results


Top and Bottom Scores Infographic

Simple and impactful infographic highlighting your top five scores, as well as five areas of improvement. Includes a comment from tenants for each area covered.



Different one page ideas can be pulled from your data, depending on what you want to highlight. Here's an example showing how satisfaction varies by area, with interactive pull out elements to give more depth and meaning to the numbers. These can be used as stand alone pieces or included in a larger End of Year report.


Interactive One Pager - Why it is important to Listen & Act

In this one page example, we've focused on the importance of listening to tenants and acting on their views. QR codes can be used to incorporate impactful video or audio elements, allowing you to hear what tenants have to say in their own words. As above, these can be used as stand alone pieces or included in larger reports.


Social Media Posts

Individual elements pushed out through social media platforms can help engage with tenants. Links to a full report, infographic or animation can be provided to give more depth and context.


Cup of Tea with A Customer

A way to hook your staff in and encourage them to sit down and spend some time with tenants. QR codes printed on the label allow you to link to audio or video of tenants.